Thornhill, Stirling, United Kingdom

Category: Planning Applications

Inverdunning/JCC Development Application – update

Information from Blair Drummond and Thornhill Community Council

On 13 January 2023 the Scottish Government Reporter asked for more information to assist her in writing her report regarding the Inverdunning/JCC proposed development. This is in addition to the extra information sought in November. The reason for this latest request is the publication of a planning decision for an application in Bridge of Allan (see below). TBDCC will be responding to this latest request.

The deadline for our response is 27 January, after which we expect a report and recommendation to be published within a number of weeks.  This report goes to Scottish Ministers for a final decision. How long this decision will take remains unknown, but in the Bridge of Allan case it was 9 months from the report being published to the final decision being published.  

We will keep you updated as matters progress.

Bridge of Allan – Graham’s Dairy proposed development. As in the Thornhill case, the developer sought to rely on a shortfall of land for housing development to outweigh several factors in which their proposal ran contrary to the Local Development Plan. The Reporter identified difficulty in accurately gauging the shortfall of housing land. Having taken a pragmatic view of the land supply, he recommended refusal of the development application. Scottish Ministers took a different view, and considered the “worst case scenario” of land supply, therefore basing their decision on the potential for a significant shortfall of housing land. However, even in this “worst case scenario”, their assessment was that the shortfall was not enough to tip the balance in favour of development on a greenfield site, so their decision was to refuse the application. 

We would caution that whilst there are parallels between the Bridge of Allan proposal and the Thornhill proposal, there is no guarantee of the outcome of the Reporter’s recommendation, nor of the Ministers’ decision. 

TCT response to Inverdunning Proposal

TCT submitted a response based on feedback from members. Thank you for getting in touch to give us your views.

You can read our response here.

Deadline for responding to Inverdunning planning application closed.

Stirling Council granted us an extension to submit responses to this complex planning proposal. However, the deadline has now passed.

I would like to thank everyone who took time to contact the council with your views. Amazing community spirit 👏 👏 👏

Proposed Housing Development – extension to deadline for comments.

We have heard back from the Planning Department that they will accept consultation responses up to 21st January 2022 from individuals and other organisations.

Seemingly the word count on the online Planning Portal is limited to 5000 characters, so if you have a lengthier submission to make to them, you could send it by email or in the post in good time to reach them by the 21st.

A useful document for help in writing your response here

Planning documents for Burnside Development

There seems to be problems with the planning portal so we have downloaded the documents and placed them in a folder in the TCT shared drive. They are at

Please make sure you close the link down after use so as not to overload our system.

We would urge you to submit your own responses to the Planning Department as well as CC/TCT, as seemingly the Council take more notice if there is a high number of comments.

Currently we’re working towards the 30th December deadline.

Proposed Housing Development in Thornhill

You may be aware of a proposed mixed housing/ industrial development on the edge of Thornhill, which includes 73 new houses and JCC moving to the new site.
The proposal concerns land North West Of And At Burnside Works Main Street Thornhill.
More information can be found on the Stirling Council Planning website at

Community councils have a statutory right to be consulted on applications for planning permission and represent the local viewpoint on developments.
Thornhill & Blairdrummond Community Council are hosting an open meeting online this Wednesday evening (15th Dec), contact for the joining instructions

There are a couple of things to note:

  • There are 47 documents in total so you may want to concentrate on the areas which affect you most or which you have expertise in.
  • The deadline for comments to the Planning Department is 30th December which doesn’t give us much time to study the documents. However, the Community Council has requested an extension to this deadline so I will inform you if it is granted.
  • As Thornhill residents you have the right to comment on this planning application either directly to the Planning Department or via the Community Council. TCT will also develop a response based on your feedback.

Please respond to if you would like your views included in the TCT response.

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