What is Thornhill Futures Group?

The Futures Group was launched on 1 March 2021 with residents from all walks of life coming together to prepare a vision for the future of Thornhill. We have been working together since then to prepare a Local Place Plan (LPP).

Thornhill Local Place Plan

You can read Thornhill Local Place Plan here.
Please note: this is a large document (48.7 Mb)

We published a draft plan in November 2023, and following a public meeting and online consultation have now finalised the document which includes our agreed Guiding Principles, our ranked priorities for our Community Action Plan (CAP) and agreed proposals to Stirling
Council to help inform their Local Development Plan 3, due to be published in 2026. 

Pre submission Information notice

As required by ‘Planning Circular 1/2022 Local Place Plans’, Regulation 4,  we have circulated the plan to the Community Councils (CCs) who share a boundary with us and also to the elected members of Stirling Council who serve those areas. We look forward to their feedback.


All being well we will submit the plan to Stirling Council for registration early in July 2024.