Thornhill, Stirling, United Kingdom

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BBC Debate Night in Stirling


Debate Night isBBC Scotland’s political TV discussion show and we want the people of Scotland to have their say.

The programme is travelling across the country on Wednesday evenings, and we would love to meet locals at a location nearest to you:

Wednesday 05 Feb           STIRLING

Wednesday 12 Feb           ABERDEEN

Wednesday 19 Feb           EDINBURGH

Wednesday 26 Feb           GREENOCK

Wednesday 05 Mar           PERTH

Wednesday 12 Mar           CUMBERNAULD

+ more filming dates are on the BBC website.

How do I apply for FREE studio tickets?

Visit and click ‘Apply to the Audience’.

Filling out the online application takes two minutes!  It’s also accessible via mobile or tablet.

If you would like to attend with somebody, please ask them to apply too. 

Changes to Minor Injury Clinic

Important information from NHS Forth Valley

NHS Forth Valley is changing the process for attending the Minor Injuries Unit within Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Larbert. 

Previously you could just turn up but now they are asking people to phone the NHS helpline first.

This is because they are trying to reduce waiting times and also hopefully avoid an unnecessary journey to Larbert from rural areas especially if the journey can be avoided.

You MUST phone NHS 24 on 111 and not just go to Minor Injuries directly. 

Holiday or Cash Prize?

Which would you choose? There’s just over a week to go until the monthly Community Lottery £2,000 draw!

Support Thornhill Development Trust by taking part in the Stirling Community Lottery and you could win the monthly prize or be in the draw for the weekly prize, up to £25,000.

The Lottery donates to good causes such as TDT which helps us support improvements and events in our community.

For more information click here

Badminton for Fun in Thornhill Hall

Playing badminton is a great way to keep fit and have fun so it’s good news that Callander and West Perthshire U3A have started a group in the community hall.

It’s held on Wednesday afternoons, at 2-4pm and there is space for new members. As the name ‘Badminton for Fun’ suggests this group is non-competative and you don’t need to be an expert or even particulary fit to join in.

If you would like to give it a go with no obligation contact or

For more information about Callander and West Perthshire U3A click here

Consultation on Callander Woodland Management

If you use the woodland paths around Callander you may be interested in this consultation.

Forestry & Land Scotland are undertaking a revision of the Callander Forests Land Management Plan which comprises four woodland areas close to Callander in Stirlingshire.

More information and maps showing the location and key issues relating to the woodlands are available on this link:

Callander Forest land management plan consultation – Forestry and Land Scotland

If you would like to bring any issues to the attention of Forestry & Land Scotland or would like further information then please contact:

A drop in event is proposed for early April in Callander, if you would like further details on this then please let us know.

Please respond within 28 days.

Nearly there……

[ycd_countdown id=5308]

The Thornhill Clubs and Groups Fair is nearly upon us.

When? Doors open to the public at 10am on 25th Feb. Drop-in any time between then and 2pm. Free to attend.

Where? Thornhill Community Hall FK8 3QB

Why? Lots of stall, and information about local clubs, groups and organisations. Whatever your age, there’s something for you.

What else? Activities such as nature painting with the Carse of Stirling Project and relaxation sessions with Craig.

And a chance to register interest in suggested new groups e.g. running, cycling, health walks, chair aerobics and photography. Or suggest another one.

Anything else? Well, there’s free tea/ coffee, cakes etc. And lots of friendly faces 🙂

Petition about the Provision of NHS dental services for Callander and surrounding area

If you want to sign the online petition about the closure of adult NHS Dental services in Callander here is the link.

Scottish Water Winter Advice

Advice from Scottish Water on how to protect your pipes and prevent bursts.

Stirling Council Budget Engagement

The local authority has launched its annual round of public budget engagement, seeking opinions and feedback from residents through the Budget Conversation to understand the services that matter most to them. With no increase expected in Local Government core funding from the Scottish Government for the next three years, the Council now needs to find a way to bridge a gap which is almost double its annual roads and land services budget.

Join this year’s budget conversation by telling us what is important to you through our quick survey. We want as many people to take part so please spread the word about the survey in your community. The Conversation will close on Friday 16th December

Access the survey on Engage Stirling. You can also fill out the survey via Stirling Council Libraries or order a paper copy of the survey by calling our Customer First Contact Centre on 01786 404040. You can also request alternative formats by emailing

Traffic Data For Thornhill

Feedback from the traffic monitor mounted on the Masonic Hall shows that over 650,000 vehicles passed through the village between January and July this year.

The majority of the vehicles were cars and not surprisingly the numbers jumped up in June and July.

You can read more detail here

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