What is Thornhill Development Trust (TDT)?
TDT is a charitable organisation established in 2004 (SCO35940).
Our purposes are:
-to benefit the community of Thornhill;
-the advancement of community development (including the advancement of rural regeneration) within the Community;
-the advancement of environmental protection or improvement within the Community;
– the provision of recreational facilities or the organisation of recreational activities within the Community with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended.
TCT provides a framework under which volunteers can start up projects, apply for public funding, carry out the projects, publicise the results and meet up with other volunteers. Once a project is up and running, it can remain under the TCT umbrella or become independent.
Our new Constitution will allow us to participate in community ownership for the benefit of the community and according to our purposes.
TCT administers the Thornhill Environment Fund which is available for “educational provision relating to ecology and the environment”.
Currently we have active subgroups for:
Thornhill Environment Activities
Paths Development
Plants and tubs
Biodiversity Group
Thornhill Views Newsletter
Who can join TDT?
All residents (age 12 or over) living within the postcodes in or near Thornhill Village will be able to join TDT. Please check for your postcode here.
If you live outside this area you can still register as a supporter of TDT and get involved in the projects. Find out more here
You can be as involved as you want to be! Being a member of TDT keeps you informed about our activities in the community. It gives you the opportunity to comment on and influence current projects. Or you can get actively involved in current projects, and suggest new areas for development.
What does being a member involve?
We are a membership organisation and having a strong membership base gives us a stronger voice when representing community interests.
In order to ensure we have the finances we need to run the organisation TDT is funded by donations and fundraising.
TDT has works closely with other groups such as Thornhill and Blairdrummond Community Council, Thornhill Futures and the North Common Trust to work on joint projects.
What do the Trustees do?
TCT is a Scottish Charity Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) which means it has a group of Trustees to maintain an overview of TDT’s activities and ensure the aims of the trust are fulfilled. The Trustees meet every 6 – 8 weeks to monitor how on-going projects are doing and discuss any new developments and how they can be supported. Some trustees are more directly involved in projects, while others are mainly involved through the discussions at the meetings. Meet the current trustees here.
TCT has links with other organisations, such as:
- The Carse of Stirling Partnership (COSP)
- The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)
- Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS)
- Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise
- Stirling Community Lottery
For further information email Secretary@thornhillstirling.org
You can donate to TDT while shopping online when you use the Easyfundraising link or join our Community Lottery, click on the images below.