We would love you to join TDT if:

  • You live in or near Thornhill, Stirling.  You can see a map of the area we cover here and a list of the postcodes covered
  • If you are 16 or over you can be an Adult Member
  • If you are aged 12 to 15 years old you can be a Junior Member and help us to make Thornhill a good place for your age group (please note Junior Members are not eligible to vote or be a Trustee)

Benefits of joining TDT

  • Get involved in a range of projects that are for the benefit for the community of Thornhill
  • Get to know your local area and meet other local people
  • All members have the right to attend AGMs (but only adult members may vote).
  • Adult members are eligible to join our Board of Trustees
  • Members receive updates and information about TDT activities
  • It’s free.

What does it involve?

You can be as involved as you want to be!  Being a member of TDT keeps you informed about activities going on in the community.  It gives you the opportunity to comment on and influence current projects.  Or you may wish to become actively involved in current projects and suggest new areas for development.

What TDT does is determined by its members – the people who live here, therefore having a strong membership base gives us a stronger voice when representing community interests.  By joining TDT as a member you have direct influence over what is and is not developed by the community of Thornhill. In order to ensure we have the finances we need to run the organisation TDT is funded by donations and fundraising.

TDT provides a framework for volunteers to start up and run projects, apply for public funding, publicise the results and meet up with other volunteers.  TDT also works closely with other groups such as Thornhill and Blairdrummond Community Council and the North Common Trust to work on projects.  The Community Council has important statutory roles in planning and other key legal responsibilities, while TDT has the ability to raise and manage money and other assets for community benefit. Current TDT projects include Thornhill Views and the Thornhill Environment Fund.

What do the Trustees do?

TDT is a Scottish Charity Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) which means it has a group of Trustees to maintain an overview of TDT’s activities and ensure the aims of the trust are fulfilled.  The Trustees meet every 6 – 8 weeks to monitor how on-going projects are doing and discuss any new developments and how they can be supported.  Some trustees are more directly involved in projects, while others are mainly involved through the discussions at the meetings. 

How do I join?

You can join or renew your membership online, just click the button below

  • Or you can download a membership application form;
  • Follow the instructions on the form for emailing or posting the completed form;
  • Select if you wish to make a donation- either BACS transfer or cheque;
  • The membership secretary will be in touch to confirm your membership.

Any questions- please contact membership@thornhillstirling.org