Thornhill, Stirling, United Kingdom

Tag: Survey

Stirling Council Budget Survey

Stirling Council has launched a new survey on a range of proposed budget savings.

No decisions have been taken on any of the savings proposals and the survey aims to find out from residents affected by savings what the impact would be on them and on the community.

Please help us to inform the budget process by completing the survey.

The full list of savings is on the survey itself, but they include:

  • Close or reduce council-managed community centres.
  • Stop the annual mowing of rural road verges, reduce grass cutting or increase space for pollinator spaces.
  • Closure of some libraries.
  • Reduction in budget for events and festivals.
  • Removal of the ‘road-end’ waste collection policy.
  • Stop the greenspace ranger service.
  • Reduce spending on maintenance at buildings and facilities.
  • Removal of the community grant scheme.
  • Reduce free, confidential and impartial accredited money, debt and benefit advice to residents.
  • Change the operating models (opening times and capacity) at some nurseries.
  • Increase non statutory childcare fees.
  • Reduce or stop the play, creche, play and out of school care service.
  • Reduce teachers in the additional support needs outreach team.
  • Removal of the P5 swimming programme.
  • Reduce the primary school week for pupils.
  • Close some or all public toilets.

For more information on the councils budget position, please visit

Library Survey

Please see below the links to two surveys which you may wish to complete or pass on to others who may be interested.

Mobile Library Survey

Stirling Council is currently surveying mobile library readers about changes to proposed mobile timetables.  The survey will be live until 30th October.

Anyone can access the survey online directly by following this link:  
Or you can download and print the mobile library survey and proposed new route here. You can hand completed paper surveys in to the mobile van.

The survey offers a chance to comment on what other services people might like to see eg access to Health/Housing/Benefits advice.  The plan is to offer digital support and other kinds of help eg to rural areas. 

Public Library survey

This is a national survey and runs from Monday 2nd to Saturday 21st October.

The survey is for anyone aged 16 and over.  No demographic or identifiable information is collected and the survey should take only 2 minutes to complete.  Once analysed, results will be available at a local and national level.  

The survey has been developed by SLIC and the Association of Public Library Services in Scotland (APLS).  SLIC will host the online version (link below) and will analyse all data received.   You are encouraged to complete online but also provided is a print version, completed paper forms can be handed in to libraries.

Speeding in Thornhill Main Street

Please see the letter below from Alyn Smith MP sent to Thornhill and Blairdrummond Community Council regarding a survey in to traffic in the Main Street.

“Thank you very much for all this information.  It is something that was brought to Alyn’s attention and we have been into it to see what discussions have been going on and the councils activity on the matter.  Attached to this email is a letter launching a survey on Road Safety in Thornhill.  Alyn is very keen to get residents views on the matter to present to Stirling Council to try and see if we can get the ball rolling on some sort of improvement being made.  Alyn has had some recent success in East Plean that was having very similar issues.  Alyn was able to help secure improved road calming measures for the area so is hoping we can do something similar for Thornhill.

As I said a letter is attached with information on how to access the survey.  Alternatively, here is a link that will take you directly to the survey:

Again, thank you very much for providing the information have, it is very useful.  If there is any way you could help share the survey out wide that would be very helpful, we are hoping to get as many residents of Thornhill as possible to respond.  I will circulate the results to you once we have achieved a high number of responses.”

Stirling Council Budget Engagement

The local authority has launched its annual round of public budget engagement, seeking opinions and feedback from residents through the Budget Conversation to understand the services that matter most to them. With no increase expected in Local Government core funding from the Scottish Government for the next three years, the Council now needs to find a way to bridge a gap which is almost double its annual roads and land services budget.

Join this year’s budget conversation by telling us what is important to you through our quick survey. We want as many people to take part so please spread the word about the survey in your community. The Conversation will close on Friday 16th December

Access the survey on Engage Stirling. You can also fill out the survey via Stirling Council Libraries or order a paper copy of the survey by calling our Customer First Contact Centre on 01786 404040. You can also request alternative formats by emailing

Village Centre Survey

In December 2021 we asked villagers their views on developing a village centre in and around “The Loan”. You can now download the leaflet and a map of the area under consideration. More updates will follow as available.

Results of Thornhill Futures Questionnaire

The full results of the Thornhill Futures Questionnaire, in which a large number of villagers participated earlier in 2021, can now be downloaded here.

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