Please see below the links to two surveys which you may wish to complete or pass on to others who may be interested.
Mobile Library Survey
Stirling Council is currently surveying mobile library readers about changes to proposed mobile timetables. The survey will be live until 30th October.
Anyone can access the survey online directly by following this link:
Or you can download and print the mobile library survey and proposed new route here. You can hand completed paper surveys in to the mobile van.
The survey offers a chance to comment on what other services people might like to see eg access to Health/Housing/Benefits advice. The plan is to offer digital support and other kinds of help eg to rural areas.
Public Library survey
This is a national survey and runs from Monday 2nd to Saturday 21st October.
The survey is for anyone aged 16 and over. No demographic or identifiable information is collected and the survey should take only 2 minutes to complete. Once analysed, results will be available at a local and national level.
The survey has been developed by SLIC and the Association of Public Library Services in Scotland (APLS). SLIC will host the online version (link below) and will analyse all data received. You are encouraged to complete online but also provided is a print version, completed paper forms can be handed in to libraries.