Thornhill, Stirling, United Kingdom

Category: Paths Group Updates


(Definitely not an April Fool, all hands needed!)
Following on from everyone’s efforts last month, we still have to ‘top dress’ the second half of the path we made, using the finer material. This will involve barrowing loads from the bottom end of the path where it will be deposited, then raking etc. It would be really good to get this job done in one go, so the more the merrier……

Meet at the top end of the path (junction with South Common) at 10am armed with barrows, shovels, rakes etc. There will be cake.
At the moment the weather doesn’t look too bad but if that changes we’ll rearrange.
Further info 07799412527 or 07787948264

Paths Group Work party

Saturday 6th August 10am- Thornhill Paths Group next work party, meet at the bottom of Gray’s Loan.
Open to anyone who wants to volunteer a few hours to help maintain the lovely paths around our village.
Tools can be supplied, but come dressed in suitable clothes.
See you there! 🙂

Paths Group Progress

The Thornhill Paths Group have been holding monthly to work parties over the summer.
Those of you who walk the paths regularly may have noticed that the volunteers have improved the stiles and strimmed areas of the Muir Dam Path, cleared ditches on the North Common and attempted to stop the Hedges Path disappearing under the overgrown verges and soil dumped by the rabbits from their holes.

Much of the work on the North Common seems to have involved being in a ditch.

We also have regular meetings to discuss progress and next steps. If you would like to join us the next meeting is on 21 October. Contact paths@thornhillstirling for more information.

Paths Working Group

The Paths Group are holding another work party this coming weekend on Saturday 4th and/ or Sunday 5th September.
We will focus on two areas: clearing the Hedges Path and strimming and cutting back of overgrowth on the North Common.

Meet at Gray’s Loan on Saturday at 11am and Sunday at 2pm.

Please bring strimmers or secateurs, shovels, etc. If you don’t have tools they can be borrowed or you could still help by clearing cut materials.

Please make sure you wear suitable clothing, e.g. thick gloves, long sleeves and trousers, stout shoes. Don’t forget sun cream, insect repellent and fluids (maybe being too optimistic?).

Paths Working Group July 3rd

The Thornhill Paths Group are meeting for their second regular working group on Saturday at 11am. We will focus on two areas: the Muir Dam path for strimming and possibly ditch digging; and on the Hedges Path strimming and cutting back of overgrowth.

Those willing to work on Muir Dam path meet at the CHURCH hall and others at the Community Hall, both at 11am.

Please bring strimmers or secateurs. If you don’t have either you could still help by clearing cut materials.

We will potentially be working with prickly material so thick gloves, long sleeves and trousers are advised, as are stout shoes. Don’t forget sun cream, insect repellent and fluids.

It’s going to be fun… honest!

NB there will not be a work group this Sunday.

Muir Dam Path

Over the winter volunteers from the Thornhill Paths Group have been repairing stiles and strimming back overgrown areas along the route to make it safer and easier to negotiate. They are now looking for the path to be walked regularly to keep it open, so get your boots on!

The Muir Dam Path starts in the village behind the Church, follows the Cesintully Burn, passes through Nellie’s Glen and over Boquhapple Ridge to reach the dam. It is approximately 3km one way (6km there and back). There are lovely views on the way up and just think of the workout you’ll have going over the stiles!

The ground is rough and can be wet so stout footwear is advised. As always in the countryside please respect the farmers’ crops and keep dogs on leads when sheep or cows are around.

A description of the walk is available here

Paths Group Monthly Work Groups Resume

The Paths Group are restarting regular work groups on the 1st weekend of the month throughout the summer, to maintain and improve the paths around the village.

The first work groups are on 5th June at 11am and 6th June at 2pm.

Meet at the bottom of Gray’s Loan and bring stout shoes, thick gloves and maybe loppers, etc.

There will be a member of the Paths Group present.

For Health & Safety reasons, children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult please.

Thornhill Paths Group

Volunteers from the Paths Group have begun work to repair the stiles on the path leading up to the Muir Dam. The wood was purchased from Doune Woodyard using a grant provided by Stirling Council. Labour and tools supplied by the volunteers- great work! Thank you.

Thornhill Paths Group Update

The Paths Group has not reported to you since the April/May edition of Thornhill Views.  As you will appreciate, progress has been somewhat hampered by a certain virus.  That said, the team of enthusiastic volunteers have done what they can towards improving our network of village paths – such a valuable asset, particularly during lockdown.

The group successfully applied for a Paths for All grant of £1,500 to improve a section of path on the northern boundary of North Common.  They have until February to complete the work.  In July, a number of the volunteers collectively spent 9 hours clearing overgrown Gorse and Broom from another section of North Common and enjoyed a welcome, socially-distanced blether!  It is worth taking a walk around North Common and maybe sit on one of the benches and just enjoy the peace.

Speaking of benches, on behalf of the village, we extend our thanks to Paths Group member Alison Lawrance. Thornhill Community Trust paid for the materials and Alison kindly put in the work to re-paint the bench at the Viewpoint.

We have heard that the path from the new houses on the Aberfoyle Road into the village has certainly not been forgotten and we look forward to it being constructed in the coming months.

Group member Alison Wallis attended two webinars on the subject of COVID-19 safety for path works volunteers.  The Group will take the lessons from those webinars into its planning of future work, taking all reasonable steps to minimise risk and permit some pieces of work to go ahead safely.  In September and October, some members will also attend Paths for All training webinars, which are being run to assist volunteers.

Understandably, the Group has not achieved as much as it would have liked this summer but are certainly still full of enthusiasm and look forward to making gradual progress and enjoying one another’s support and company, virtual or otherwise.  Please consider lending a hand – you can contact me on 01786 850528 or by email at .

Gary Richardson for The Paths Group”

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