Thornhill Community Website

Thornhill, Stirling, United Kingdom

Badminton for Fun in Thornhill Hall

Playing badminton is a great way to keep fit and have fun so it’s good news that Callander and West Perthshire U3A have started a group in the community hall.

It’s held on Wednesday afternoons, at 2-4pm and there is space for new members. As the name ‘Badminton for Fun’ suggests this group is non-competative and you don’t need to be an expert or even particulary fit to join in.

If you would like to give it a go with no obligation contact or

For more information about Callander and West Perthshire U3A click here

Library Survey

Please see below the links to two surveys which you may wish to complete or pass on to others who may be interested.

Mobile Library Survey

Stirling Council is currently surveying mobile library readers about changes to proposed mobile timetables.  The survey will be live until 30th October.

Anyone can access the survey online directly by following this link:  
Or you can download and print the mobile library survey and proposed new route here. You can hand completed paper surveys in to the mobile van.

The survey offers a chance to comment on what other services people might like to see eg access to Health/Housing/Benefits advice.  The plan is to offer digital support and other kinds of help eg to rural areas. 

Public Library survey

This is a national survey and runs from Monday 2nd to Saturday 21st October.

The survey is for anyone aged 16 and over.  No demographic or identifiable information is collected and the survey should take only 2 minutes to complete.  Once analysed, results will be available at a local and national level.  

The survey has been developed by SLIC and the Association of Public Library Services in Scotland (APLS).  SLIC will host the online version (link below) and will analyse all data received.   You are encouraged to complete online but also provided is a print version, completed paper forms can be handed in to libraries.

Speeding in Thornhill Main Street

Please see the letter below from Alyn Smith MP sent to Thornhill and Blairdrummond Community Council regarding a survey in to traffic in the Main Street.

“Thank you very much for all this information.  It is something that was brought to Alyn’s attention and we have been into it to see what discussions have been going on and the councils activity on the matter.  Attached to this email is a letter launching a survey on Road Safety in Thornhill.  Alyn is very keen to get residents views on the matter to present to Stirling Council to try and see if we can get the ball rolling on some sort of improvement being made.  Alyn has had some recent success in East Plean that was having very similar issues.  Alyn was able to help secure improved road calming measures for the area so is hoping we can do something similar for Thornhill.

As I said a letter is attached with information on how to access the survey.  Alternatively, here is a link that will take you directly to the survey:

Again, thank you very much for providing the information have, it is very useful.  If there is any way you could help share the survey out wide that would be very helpful, we are hoping to get as many residents of Thornhill as possible to respond.  I will circulate the results to you once we have achieved a high number of responses.”

Your chance to win a theatre trip

October’s Community Lottery super draw is a luxury theatre trip or £1500 cash.
TCT is signed up as a beneficiary of Stirling Community Lottery.
If you nominate TCT as your preferred charity we receive half of the ticket value, that is 50p of every £1 ticket. This means that you are supporting your community as well.
How to take part? Just go to TCT lottery page to sign up. Don’t forget to buy your tickets as well.

Community Orchard now online

Did you know that there is a Community Orchard tucked away in the eastern end of the North Common?

The story of the how the orchard came to life and how it is tended by a group of volunteers can now be found on the community website, along with a map of the trees and a list of fruit varieties to help you find that special apple or plum. The damsons are delicious too!

Read about the orchard

Map and fruit information list

Postponement of Thornhill Place Plan Meeting

The public meeting scheduled for Thursday 21 September to discuss Thornhill Place Plan has been postponed. This is due to unforeseen circumstances and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. We have rescheduled the meeting to Sunday 26 November 2023, 2 – 5pm, Thornhill Community Hall. Please look out for more information about the event nearer the time.

Pop-up Coffee Shop

Norrieston Nook is a pop-up coffee shop being run by a local couple on Saturday 16th September, 10am – 3pm (or cake sell out!) in the Norrieston Church Hall, Main Sreet, Thornhill.

There will be a  kids corner so the adults can enjoy some good coffee, delicious baking and connect with the community. 

Local artist/crafts people are invited to set up a stall in the hall, for a little impromptu craft fair with local crafts for sales such as Thornhill’s very own beautiful wood-turn creations, gift cards of local scenes and some delicious Mad Hare Apiary honey from the Granary. Please send a message to Evie at if you are keen to have a stall at this event.

Another Exciting Prize in our Community Lottery

For just £1 a week you can enter our weekly Community Lottery raising funds for Thornhill Community Trust (TCT).

This month’s star prize is a £1500 voucher for IKEA!

Or you could win the weekly grand prize of £25,000.

TCT is a community organisation acting on behalf of Thornhill people, and we rely solely on donations and fundraising. We receive 50% of ticket sales.

Stirling Council Waste Services Strike

Local UNISON members in the Council’s Waste Service will go on strike from Thursday 10 August to Sunday 13 August 2023 (inclusive) as part of industrial action over pay.

As a result, scheduled household bin collections will be impacted.

Household waste recycling centres at Lower Polmaise, Balfron and Callander will also be closed from 10-13 August and will open again as normal on Monday 14 August.

The Council will deploy the following contingency plans, with more detailed information available at

Brown Bins – Garden and food waste

Brown bin collections due on these dates are delayed and will be rescheduled, commencing Tuesday 15 August.


There will be no glass collections from 10-13 August. We encourage residents to store their glass until their next scheduled collection. Alternatively, glass can be disposed of at the nearest glass recycling point. If recycling bins are full, we ask people to please take glass home.

Blue bins – Plastics, cans and cartons

There will be no blue bin collections for the whole week commencing Monday 14 August. This is to accommodate the delayed collection of brown bins. We encourage residents to store their blue bin recycling until the next collection or visit their local Household Waste and Recycling Centre, which will be open as normal on Monday 14 August.

Grey Bins

Grey bins due for collection week commencing Monday 14 August will be collected as normal.

Commercial Waste

There will be disruption to commercial general waste and recycling collections during the period of industrial action. Detailed collection updates for commercial waste customers can be found at


Bus Service X10A cancellations 9th, 10th, 11th Aug

Between 0900 and 1800 Thornhill, Ruskie and Blairhoyle will not be served by service X10A. During these times passengers should use Stirling Council DRT services subject to availability – please click on the link for details

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