Thornhill Community Hall / 26th September 2023 at 7:30pm 

1. Present and Apologies

Present: Elaine Blanchard (EB) Secretary, Alison Newlands (AN) Minute Taker, Cllr Gene Maxwell (GM), Moira Russell (MR), Sheena Stewart (SS), Al Rawlinson (AL) Chair, Joyce Firth (JF).

Apologies: Hector Muir (HM), Andy Greig (AG), Gary Thompson (GT), Rowena Coulthard (RC)

2. Approval of minutes of meeting on the 22nd August 2023

Minutes approved, no objections or comments.

Approved by EB

Seconded by MR

3. Matters Arising

No matters arising, all covered in agenda.

4. Reports – External

a. Transport Scotland – Traffic Alleviation at Safari Park

No update on this issue at present.  

b. Police Scotland

The Police Scotland latest report has been received and details listed below.

Road Safety 

On 02/09/23 two vehicles were involved in a collision on A84 with the junction of B8075 Kirk Lane.  As a result, the road was closed for several hours.  During this period PC’s King and Deans carried out speed checks in the Thornhill area.  One driver was issued with a conditional offer of fixed penalty, one driver reported to the Procurator Fiscal and four drivers warned. 

This area will continue to be monitored. Police have been made aware of traffic problems at the Main Street with the junction of Kippen Road, Thornhill. This has been passed Stirling Council.


Overnight on 21st into 22nd September 2023 a motorbike was stolen from a property in Thornhill. The motorbike was recovered a short distance away. Enquiries are ongoing in relation to this.

Community Engagement and Reassurance

On 28/08/23 police received reports of people possibly hare coursing in the Blair Drummond area. Please continue to report any sightings of people/dogs in the area hare coursing to police.

c. Stirling County Councillor 

GM advised that Stirling Council are currently looking at budgets for 2024/25 and significant savings will be required.  


Plans for a new primary school in Callendar have been designed and are ready to be submitted to the planning department.  

Planning has approved a new housing development, Durieshill located between Stirling Services and Plean.  This development will have three thousand new homes, a mix of tenures with private housing, affordable housing, and private rented sector housing.  The site will also have a primary and secondary school and community organisations and businesses. 

Rural Living

GM advised that he is actively and collectively supporting the area with issues around safety particularly school children and providing a better understanding of rural living. 

World Cycling Championships

There was a discussion on funding for the event and JF asked about any community payback plans.

GM advised that he was not aware of any community payback plans, will pass this on the Stirling Council.

5. Reports – Internal

a. Chair

AR – Nothing to report.

b. Secretary 

Nothing to report.

c. Treasurer

EB updated the meeting with the current financial information on behalf of GT.

Treasurer’s Report: £225.36 in the bank account, still awaiting admin grant being released. GM to chase with Stephen Bly

d. Planning

AR Report circulated prior to meeting. 

AR read out new planning applications received at Stirling Council for Thornhill.

GM advised that the New National Planning Framework was published in February 2024 and has introduced stricter controls relating to flooding and the ability to build properties in flood areas.  This will affect Aberfoyle with a 15 mile stretch already sterilised due to flooding.

e. Thornhill Community Trust/ Futures Group

JF advised that the meeting scheduled for 21st September had been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances and has been rescheduled for 26th November 2023.  The aim to complete a final draft by January 2024 will now not be possible.

GM asked about the submission of the local placement plan and if a different plan needs to go to the National Park and Stirling Council.

JF responded that Thornhill is out with a National Park and consultation is only required by Stirling Council.

The Community Council agreed to promote the rescheduled meeting on social media.

The meeting entered a discussion on the Light Up Thornhill Events and agreed more panning was required.

f. Blair Drummond Community Hall

Nothing to report.

6. Community Council Business

a. Dunsire and Partners’ development in Thornhill 

AR updated the meeting on the development application and advised that a decision has still not been reached, no significant update at present.  

b. Slow Down sign/flashing light on A873 after B8031 (near Coldoch Road) towards Stirling.

EB advised that HM has spoken to Gabriela Ingle on the work conducted previously and advised any signage and actions promised have not progressed.

Leave on agenda until resolved.    

c. Sommers Lane

GM advised that query on new signage had been submitted to Stirling Council, no response as yet.  

d. Aberfoyle Flooding 

As per agreement at TBCC meeting on 22nd Augiust 2023 a letter to Strathard Community Council has been sent offering support from TBCC.

e. Speeding in Thornhill

EB advised that new signs have been purchased highlight speed restriction in the village.  It is planned that fake police signs and bin stickers will be purchased for the village.

f. Doig Street Water Pressure

MR advised that the water pressure has been particularly bad for a prolonged period of time in Doig Street.  

GM has contacted Scottish Water, no response as yet.

g. Thornhill Primary School Fencing

EB advised that residents are complaining about the fencing around the children’s play park.  Stirling Council play maintenance team are planning a visit to the area to assess the situation and arrange repairs.

AR asked if Stirling Council carries out risk assessments on children’s play areas. 

GM responded that there are legal requirements for play spaces at schools, will check about play areas. 

h. Red Squirrel sign on Coldoch Road

EB advised on the above issue and GM advised that the request needs to be sent to Stephen Bly at Stirling Council.

i. Signing up to Scottish Forum 

EB advised that there is a Scottish Forum of Community Councils.  It is hope that the forum will provide a way to connect Community Councils across Scotland and share information about the work they do.  They hope that the Forum will be a national umbrella body for Community Councils in Scotland with a mission to support communities and to provide them with the resources they may need to succeed. 

No objections TBCC agreed to sign up to the Scottish Forum.

j. Repairs to pavement Back Yetts

No update to report.

k. Letter to Stirling Council re road markings

No update to report.

7. Residents Forum

Nothing further to report.

8. AOB

Bins on Thornhill to Callendar Road.

SS advised that residents have been leaving bins out on the road to Callendar from Thornhill, causing an obstruction .

GM agreed to follow this up.

9. Date, time, and venue of next meeting

7th November 2023 at 7:30pm

Action PointsMember Responsible
Funding for World Cycling Championships – Community Payback PlansGM
Admin Grant for TBCC GM
Local Placement Plan meeting 26/11/23 – promote on social mediaEB
Update on requested signage for Sommers LaneGM
Risk assessments for children’s play areasGM
Red Squirrel sign on Coldoch RoadEB
Sign up to Scottish Forum of Community CouncilsEB
Bins left out on Thornhill to Callendar RoadGM

Meeting closed 21:05