Welcome to Thornhill Futures Group

What is Thornhill Futures Group?

The Futures Group was launched on 1 March 2021 with residents from all walks of life coming together to prepare a vision for the future of Thornhill.

“Local Place Plans are community-led plans setting out proposals for the development and use of land. Introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, these plans will set out a community’s aspirations for its future development.
Once completed and then registered by the planning authority, they are to be taken into account in the preparation of the relevant local development plan”

Scottish Government Planning Circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans

You can view the outcomes from the May 2023 Community Gathering here. The outcomes of the November 2023 Community Consultation will be coming soon.

Read the Draft Place Plan here.

Our focus for 2024 is to move to Phase 3: registering our Local Place Plan with Stirling Council and using the outcomes to plan and prioritise actions.

Our Guiding Principles will support the creation of a distinctive, productive and liveable community. In seeking to uphold this vision we have agreed four principles to test future proposals:

  1. Valuing place for a distinctive and sustainable community with an underlying presumption against large scale development.
  2. Developing a resilient local economy for a productive, liveable and sustainable community.
  3. Developing a caring and kind community.
  4. Increasing the agency of the community over decisions about its future.

You can read more about the Guiding Principles here

Contact us on futures@thornhillstirling.org